Once your order is ready you will receive an email with your shipment tracking number.
Yes, you can contact our customer service for clarification via WhatsApp+966 538 047 759 or email.
IF you have received an item that you did not order, don’t worry just contact our customer service via WhatsApp +966 538 047 759 or email for solving the issue.
We accept the following payment methods:
PayTap: Mastercard – Visacard – Apple Pay
Bank Transfer to our account in the National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia (NCB)
Account Number: 01400001626904
IBAN: SA3110000001400001626904
Cash on Delivery (This option only available in Saudi Arabia).
You can find us at:
Jeddah at Homegrown
Riyadh at Miraymano
The validity period of the card does not expire.
Yes, you can Easley change the colors by adding a note and check out page. Just make sure it’s from the same design.
Yes, we are happy to customize yours with minimum quantity 40 peace’s
Yes, with under certain conditions, please contact us via e-mail for more details.
It depends on which country you reside in. Kindly check the local tax laws in your country of residence, as we are not responsible for the costs of taxes.
We have two shipping options:
Domestic shipping: Via Clex. Usually takes 1-5 business days for delivery.
International shipping: Via Aramex: Usually takes 5-15 business days for delivery.
The shipping fees of all cities within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are fixed as follows except Jeddah SR 25.
If your order weights equal or less than 5 kilogram SR 35
If your order weights equal or more than 5 kilogram SR 1 for each additional kilo
Free Shipping on KSA Orders 700SR and over! and on GCC Orders 900SR and over!
Once we have received the transfer amount, your shipment will be delivered. please provide us with a copy of the transfer document by sending an email or WhatsApp +966 538 047 759.
Unfortunately, this service is not currently available.
It is only available inside the Kingdom.
Exchange and return
Shipping for returns and exchanges are paid for by the customer. Unfortunately, we are unable to refund the cost of postage on any orders unless goods supplied are faulty or incorrectly provided.
All returns must be made within 6 days from the receiving date.
You will receive the refund after a maximum of 15 days from the date of receiving the order.